Solutions to the Problem

Some have suggested in the past that if the polar bears are suffering due to the ice melting, then why not just build them giant floating platforms in the arctic (Polar Bears International, 2014). However this would not fix the problem because these platforms would not provide the polar bear with the ideal situation that it needs in order to hunt. This is because tit would not be possible to have breathing holes in these artificial platforms for seals to surface. Efforts that have been made in the past to fix the problem include US and Canadian listing of the animal on the Endangered Species List, which makes it illegal for citizens of both countries to hunt the animal (Engelbrekston, 2014). Although this has nothing to do with fixing the issue of polar bears having enough ice, it still has a positive effect on the population. There have also been efforts made to reduce drilling in the Arctic. This is because the oil rich areas have been found to be well known polar bear habitats and the noise associated with building drilling platforms has been found to drive polar bears away denying them some of the last ice rich areas that they have access to (Engelbrekston, 2014). Other ideas which been suggested for the future, although a bit extreme, include shipping many polar bears to the ice rich Antarctic for them to survive there (Moore, 2006). However how feasible would that really be?

The only way to attack the problem at its source is to combat global warming itself. Organizations such as Greenpeace have been successfully doing so by shutting down coal plants across the US, advocating for laws to curb global warming, exposing climate deniers and holding them publicly responsible, and advocating for clean energy solutions like wind and solar power (Greenpeace, 2013).

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